• can you renew your license if you owe taxes

    Unpaid Taxes Could Lead to a Driver’s License Suspension in Maryland

    Millions of drivers in the United States have had their licenses suspended for non-traffic related matters. According to The Washington Post, approximately 7 million people have had their driver’s licenses suspended for failing to pay traffic tickets and court fees. Another reason many individuals might face license suspension in Maryland is because they owe taxes […]

  • maryland traffic violation

    How an Out-of-State Violation Follows You Home

    You might not think much about getting a traffic ticket in another state; however, Maryland is one of 45 states participating in the Driver License Compact, an agreement in which member states exchange information regarding licensing drivers, including information and procedures for reporting traffic offenses, convictions, and license suspensions. For example, if you are a […]

  • traffic attorney

    5 Tips for Hiring the Right Baltimore Traffic Attorney

    After receiving a traffic ticket, it can be appealing to pay off the fine — especially if it is your first ticket or an inexpensive violation. However, you should know that doing so is an admission of guilt and that, the more you admit guilt by paying off the fines, the more points you accumulate […]

  • maryland traffic lawyer cost

    Why You Shouldn’t Pay that Traffic Ticket!

    After receiving a traffic ticket, some people might assume they must pay the fine to avoid legal trouble. This isn’t necessarily true. If you have received a traffic ticket in Baltimore or a nearby location, you have three options for responding to it, of which only one is paying off the fine. If you’re unsure […]

  • speeding defense

    5 Ways Speeding Can Set You Back

    The average American worker spends nearly half an hour on his way to work every morning, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That means that, if you have a full-time job and work five days per week, you might spend more than four hours in traffic in just one week. The amount of time we […]

  • revoked license md

    Getting Your Maryland Driver’s License Back After Revocation

    The State of Maryland has a responsibility to keep high-risk drivers off the road. As such, it has developed a point system in which drivers caught committing certain traffic offenses, such as speeding or running red lights, accumulate demerit points that work against their licenses. If a driver hits 12 points on his or her […]

  • cdl violations

    Common CDL Traffic Violations in Maryland

    A commercial driver’s license or CDL is a special license that allows the holder to operate or tow vehicles with specified weight limits and passenger totals. Many rely upon a CDL to perform essential job duties, which is why a CDL suspension or revocation in Maryland can be devastating. The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor […]

  • mva suspended license

    Steps to Take after License Suspension in Maryland

    Baltimore is a bustling city of over 600,000, however, it is not known for reliable public transportation. Hundreds of thousands of drivers in the Baltimore metro area depend on their cars and valid Maryland driver’s licenses to get around. Without access to a vehicle, many people would find it difficult to get to school or […]

  • how to beat a red light camera ticket in maryland

    Getting a Red Light Ticket Dismissed

    Most Maryland drivers have, at some point, received a citation for violating traffic laws. While some tickets may be warranted, it is not uncommon for traffic citations to result in costly and unexpected fines. Police officers and judges especially have little tolerance for red light offenses, as they endanger other drivers crossing intersections. A red […]

  • do background checks show driving records

    Do Driving Records Show up on Employment Background Checks?

    Some employment background checks reveal far more information than candidates would ever guess, much of which the average person assumes is private information. While background checks consistently turn up information about a candidate’s work experience and criminal history (if any), a background check will occasionally turn up personal details about an applicant’s spending and driving […]