What to Do if You Get Pulled Over With Marijuana in Your Vehicle

As more and more states follow the trend of legalizing certain usage of marijuana, it may be easy to forget that the drug is not legal in Maryland. While you may be able to drive a few states over and purchase marijuana at a local grocery store, being caught with this drug within the state lines of Maryland can mean serious legal consequences. Whatever reason you may have for being caught with marijuana in your vehicle while on the road in Maryland, it is important you are prepared with what steps you should take if you are pulled over by law enforcement.

The Law Office of Hillel Traub is a Maryland criminal defense law firm dedicated to ensuring that the rights and interests of their clients are protected. If you are pulled over by the police while in the possession of marijuana, it is important that you call Attorney Hillel Traub as soon as possible to begin working on your defense.

Steps You Should Take if Pulled Over With Marijuana in Your Vehicle

If you are out for a drive and suddenly see red and blue lights flashing in your rearview mirror, your stomach may drop when you remember that you have marijuana in your vehicle. However, there are many reasons that an officer may pull you over, and it is important to remain calm and remember your rights. In Maryland, an officer may not search your vehicle unless they have sufficient evidence or probable cause to believe that you are in possession of the drug. For example, if there is drug paraphernalia visible or there is a smell permeating from your vehicle, they may have cause to perform a search.

If law enforcement does not have any evidence, you have the right to refuse a search of your vehicle. However, in the event that you are caught with marijuana in your vehicle, it is crucial that your next step be to contact a trusted criminal defense lawyer. When you retain the help of a Maryland criminal defense lawyer, they will work to help defend you and your rights by developing a defense strategy that will best suit your personal needs.

Common Defense Strategies for Marijuana Charges in Maryland

After being charged with being in the possession of marijuana in Maryland, you may be facing serious legal penalties like costly fines or jail time. However, when you work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer, they will work to help you build a strong defense to help get the charges against you reduced or dropped altogether. The common defense strategies used in cases that involve marijuana charges in Maryland include:

  • The officers did not have enough reasonable suspicion to search your vehicle and seize the drugs. Without a warrant or proper grounds to search your vehicle, any evidence they collected would be suppressed or dismissed.
  • Proving that the drugs in question did not belong to you.
  • Providing proof that the drugs were planted in your vehicle or that you were the victim of entrapment.
  • Claiming that the officer did not have sufficient ground to stop your vehicle in the first place.

If you have been charged with being found in the possession of marijuana in your vehicle, a Maryland criminal defense lawyer may be able to help.

Speak With a Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

If you have been charged with being in possession of marijuana, you could be facing severe legal repercussions as a result. Additionally, if you are convicted of this crime, it can become difficult for you to keep a job, lease an apartment, or maintain a relationship with friends or family.

Attorney Hillel Traub of The Law Office of Hillel Traub is a former lawyer of MVA, so he is deeply familiar with Maryland laws relating to vehicles as well as criminal offenses. He is dedicated to helping clients get the charges against them dropped or reduced by helping them build a strong defense case. To begin speaking about your legal options, contact us here or call (410) 580-1100 for a free consultation.