What Are Common Disqualifiers For Obtaining a CDL License in Maryland?

Operating a commercial vehicle carries significant responsibilities that not everyone is equipped to handle. In Maryland, individuals driving commercial vehicles are subject to much more stringent standards than ordinary drivers. Given the substantial size and inherent risks associated with large trucks and vans, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration enforces rigorous regulations and guidelines that must be adhered to by all holders of a commercial driver’s license (CDL). These regulations include various traffic infractions that could disqualify someone from being employed as a commercial vehicle operator.

The Law Office of Hillel Traub has focused knowledge of Maryland CDL laws, offering extensive guidance to clients who face challenges in their commercial driving careers due to CDL disqualifications. Attorney Hillel Traub is committed to delivering knowledgeable legal counsel, ensuring clients fully comprehend the nature of CDL disqualifications in Maryland and their potential impact on professional life. For those who have incurred traffic violations resulting in disqualification, we offer tailored legal representation to work to overturn such disqualifications and restore their commercial driving status. Hillel Traub has represented hundreds of CDL drivers all across Maryland.

Common Disqualifiers for Obtaining a CDL in Maryland

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Regulations and Interpretations dictate disqualifications for CDL drivers. Numerous violations can lead to disqualification from holding a CDL in the state, with some of the most critical moving violations including:

  • Excessive speeding: Defined as driving 15 mph or more above the speed limit, excessive speeding can disqualify a motorist from operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). However, it might not always impact a regular driver’s license.
  • Leaving the scene of an accident: CMV drivers are mandated to stop at the site of an accident. Fleeing the scene can result in disqualification, alongside potential criminal charges.
  • Driving under the influence (DUI): For CMV drivers, a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.04 or higher leads to disqualification from commercial driving and the loss of both regular and commercial licenses. Representation from a qualified DUI lawyer in Maryland is essential for license reinstatement.

Charges for these violations can affect your ability to maintain or acquire a CDL. Besides moving violations, other serious CDL violations include the following:

  • Utilizing a commercial vehicle for distributing, manufacturing, or dispensing controlled substances.
  • Operating a commercial vehicle to commit a felony.
  • Being under the influence of controlled substances or failing drug tests

Furthermore, certain actions taken by commercial drivers while operating a vehicle can result in additional penalties or disqualification. These may include the following:

  • Tailgating or following another vehicle too closely
  • Reckless driving
  • Involvement in a fatal accident due to traffic violations
  • Operating a commercial vehicle without a CDL, the correct CDL classification or endorsement, or without carrying the CDL
  • Making erratic lane changes

Facing charges for any of these violations underscores the importance of seeking legal assistance promptly. The Law Office of Hillel Traub offers knowledgeable guidance for clients facing CDL disqualifications in Maryland. Attorney Hillel Traub’s extensive experience in this field can provide essential support in addressing CDL disqualifications.

Speak With the CDL Traffic Violations Lawyer at The Law Office of Hillel Traub

If you are facing a traffic violation in Maryland that has resulted in disqualification from maintaining or acquiring a CDL, seeking help from an experienced traffic violations attorney at The Law Office of Hillel Traub could be a critical step in regaining your license.

With over 30 years of experience, Attorney Hillel Traub has helped hundreds of CDL holders throughout Maryland retain their CDLs. His unique background as a former Assistant Attorney General for the Motor Vehicle Administration provides him with the necessary knowledge and experience to increase your chances of a favorable resolution. To explore your options, contact us at (410) 580-1100 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.