• Is the Smell of Alcohol Enough to Suspend Your License in Maryland?

    Is the Smell of Alcohol Enough to Suspend Your License in Maryland? 

    <style=”font-weight: 400;”>Police officers periodically set up driving under the influence (DUI) checkpoints all across Maryland to combat drunk drivers and keep everyone safe. As long as you are sober, you should be fine. However, the smell of alcohol alone may be enough to face legal issues regarding your driver’s license in Maryland. If you face […]

  • Can Undocumented Immigrants Obtain a Maryland Driver’s License?

    Can Undocumented Immigrants Obtain a Maryland Driver’s License? 

    Undocumented immigrants enter the United States every day for different reasons. As of 2016, Maryland had more than 275,000 undocumented immigrants living in the state. Many of these immigrants wonder if they have the same opportunities that documented people do. One opportunity both illegal immigrants and U.S. residents and citizens share is the ability to […]

  • 6 Common Causes of Distracted Driving in Maryland

    6 Common Causes of Distracted Driving in Maryland 

    Maryland law prohibits all drivers from using a handheld device while driving. The law prohibits drivers from writing, sending, or receiving text messages or other electronic communications behind the wheel. However, not all Maryland drivers follow this law. Too many auto accidents stem from distracted drivers and understanding the most common causes of distracted driving […]

  • Can a Faulty Breathalyzer Be Used as a DUI Defense in Maryland?

    Can a Faulty Breathalyzer Be Used as a DUI Defense in Maryland? 

    During a driving under the influence (DUI) traffic stop, it is common for a Maryland police officer to administer a roadside breathalyzer test. Then, officers often take DUI suspects to a police station upon an arrest to conduct a more scientific breath test, the results of which may be used as evidence in a DUI […]